Juggling life through a bi-polar lens. Sometimes up, sometimes down. Mostly trying to tread water in the middle. Creating a likeness to a normal life. Whatever "normal" is...

Sunday, 31 July 2011


We've had the call from the vet, and been pleasantly surprised by what she had to say....

Scooter's Liver enzymes are up, but not as high as a year ago. The same with his kidneys- some dysfunction there, but not as bad as a year ago. His thyroid is normal, so no change in his thyroid meds needed. The only thing that jumped out was his white blood cell count, which was high. This could be because he is still fighting a sniffle, or might also be because he has spondylitis in his spine. I know that my arthritis has thrown up odd readings when I've had blood tests, e.g. bilirubin being high, but this happens with any inflammation. So maybe it is his riketty old bones that are making that reading high.

I was so relieved that the results weren't showing some dreadful decline.

It also makes me sure that the seizure was a reaction to the flea treatment. The vet said that as he has been treated with it before with no trouble, she doubted it was to blame. But I think it would have been possible for Scoot to have a seizure like this and me miss it: if the other day had been a normal school day, and not a holiday, I wouldn't have known any different. I'd have been at mum's in the afternoon. By the time Luvbug picked us up on the way back from work, the seizure would have been long over and Scooter would have been sleeping it off. We'd have come in, seen him asleep, and thought, ahhh he's ok, sleepy old boy. By 6pm he'd have been up and about, recovered, and eating his supper.

You see? It's possible he HAS had a reaction BEFORE and it's gone unnoticed.

No more 'Frontline' flea treatment for him!


Admiral Hestorb said...

I can't help but agree. my baby has disagreeable reactions but not that severe. each cat is diffetent tho.

Di said...

Great news Helena! I'd avoid that treatment for sure though. Di xx

Dragonstar said...

i agree with you - avoid Frontline in the future! I'm so glad to hear the good newa!!!

Julie said...

So glad it's good news Helena :-) xx

mrsnesbitt said...

Good stuff H. xxxxx

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are so happy that he is doing so well!

Beanie Mouse said...

Phew...... I'm so pleased!!

Feronia said...

So glad to hear all is well with the Scoobmeister!

Stardust said...

I'm so glad that Scooter is on the safe side now, and yes, no to Frontline.

Stay good there Scooter!