ABC Wednesday....
Ahhh........ yummy OATY biscuit, so much finer than your little wheaty cousins...
Let us look into your family tree.....
First there was the ORIGINAL HOBNOB:
Then came the MILK CHOCOLATE HOBNOB ahhhh... the perfect dunker..... :
Then came the only possible improvement- the DARK CHOCOLATE HOBNOB!
No more!
They stopped making them last year....
how COULD they???
Next came HOBNOBS IN A TUBE... perfect for the drawer at work.....
(well, NEARLY perfect- perfection would have included a padlock device)
And then... Oh Heavens! can it be?
But lo! Here come the imitators......
Well it's nice to see the 'own brands' trying an oaty bic at last, but frankly, they don't come close.
Did you know that wherever there are biscuits there will be found Bears?
So which Biscuit is best?
Let's let the Bears decide.... !!!
Click on the video link to see!
If you can't see the video here, try HERE instead!
For all the other bloggers doing ABC Wednesday,
go to the list on Mrs Nesbitt's Site.
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Great H-post.Have a nice day:o)
Hubby is a chocolate hobnob fan!
Hurray for Hobnobs! LOL!
I've never heard of Hobnobs but they sound delicious! If it's got chocolate I'm sure I'd like it!
Fantastic!!! It seems like a very tasty one:)
Have a nice day:)
LOL here!
So Bob got his act in.
I too love Hobnobs but as I'm being 'good' they're off limits!!!
Great film Helena! You have so much patience. I love Hobnobs too but I'm not allowed them these days. :(
I have never heard of Hobnobs but sure wish I could have a sample taste.
Creative H post:D
Hello Helena - Your blog just makes me feel happy! How brilliant. And the bear slides - how yummy!
We do something vaguely similar with Action Men, well I spend hours modelling them and my boys do the photos, watch the slideshow, say very nice Mum and then that's it. Huh!
I could relate to your previous post as well.
Lovely place to visit, thanks for visiting me!
There is NOTHING like a hobnob the best biscuit ever! I don't buy them too often as they disappear too quickly! Then I put on weight!!!!
Don't think i have ever seen HOBKnobs
they do sound good tho.
I bet we can't even get them here.... darn it. I want to try some now..
love Bob's little face. He is so cute...has a "curious" look about him. Not meaning that he looks curious mind you...I mean that he looks like he is curious....
Some day I must try to make a bear with a face like Bob's.
they have hobnobs here in Canada, imported from UK, the Diggies here come from UK also and they are my favourite.
For american commenters, You miss out on the best cookies, when I go south, I always take them with me. Hobnobs and Digestive biscuits (Diggies) dont seem to be sold in US, I find most of your offerings in the cookie isle of the supermarket much too sweet.
Love this those look so good...Chocolate upon chocolate how good that is YUM
DARK chocolate Hobnobs! Ooh, good job I missed out on those. I love Hobnobs, and I ADORE dark chocolate. For me the cream ones would win over the milk chocolate. Love the vid!
You seem to be bit of a nob freak there Helena! Personally, I like the choc digestives!
Very interestingI bet they are good, we don't have them in the usa!
I have never heard of hobnobs....they look very interesting and delicious....
I think we should fly across the ocean, buy a pkg. of hobnobs and find out for ourselves! They look yummy, and since bears like them, (they have such GOOD taste,) I bet we will too!
Thanks for the movie.
How did I forget about Hob Nobs? However, you did a far better job than I could have done. Bob and I have been discussing the rumoured dark chocolate Hob Nob come back. I can't wait!
Have you found the Cadbury's version - milk chocolate topping and chocolate chips in the biscuit bit?
I love that movie. I watched it over and over. I love it when Sam falls. :) too cute!!!!!
have a great weekend!
Here they would be cookies.
Delightful video, Helena. And the photo at the top of your post is lovely too.
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