ABC Wednesday....
I is for IDLE DOODLING...........
This is a typical doodle of mine.
Sometimes I colour in some of the shapes.
But mostly I don't like that.
It doesn't "feel" right.
It frustrates me and I end up tearing it up and starting again, this time leaving the shapes "open".
I know you get graphologists, who try to interpret your handwriting, but do you also get doodle-ologists? If so, I'd be intrigued to know what they would make of this.....

Intersecting, curling swirls. Teardrops, possibly. Or flowers. Hmmmm.... do you see anything? Other than the men in white coats approaching...?
For more ABC Wednesday posts, go to Mrs Nesbitt's blog, where there is a list of participants.
Wonderful Doodlings! Butterflys flitting amongst the flowers.
The men in white coats are walking blank canvases. Doodle all over them!
Looks like a lot of fun. Good post for an I
Hi Helena!
Your doodles, don't even want to call them that, certainly have more createtivity than mine!
I would have to say flowers!
This reminds me of spirograph. Did you ever have one of those? All those bits of plastic with cogs that you could make patterns with!
I arrive here by Mrs Nesbitt :-) This picture reminds me of my spirograph doodles! How beautiful and well formed without all the gadgets to create it :-)
Good "I" post!
Creative I! :)
Imagination is the only limit....
I see spring flowers, lots of new buds and leaves. It is spring!
When my mum re-married we moved to a new bungalow...well new to us. Had anaglypta wallpaper (what a great blog name...Anna Glypta! LOL) sorry i digress.............
so when I was chatting on the phone I would doodle....on the wallpaper with biro! LOL!
NEAT I did that in almsot every class in Under Grad school....
I like it!!!
I see shapes I could use for free motion quilting.
All flowers and leaves dancing in the summer breezes....
Wish i could doodle have that good, Very nice post
I'm a compulsive doodler - I just wish mine were half as creative.
I would frame this one if it were mine!
You are definately a closet quilter!
Now I can see the difference between your creative doodling and my idle scribbling!
Looks like a lot of lovely flowers to me!
Hi Helena!
Hope you, Bob & Dilly's had a good Easter despite the 'chilly' weather!!!
I've been bored today so played a new ' meme' game - Sorry have tagged you! As, before ignore or pass onto Bob or Dilly.
Best wishes
ps - tell Bob, I'll be meeting bears this week, the gang @ Basically Bears!!!
My gosh, Helena, I can't figure out how I missed coming by last week. This is a wonderful post for the letter "I" and I'll definitely be back to see what you come up with for "J."
I came here looking for your J post, but will comment here.
Your doodle looks like it was computer generated, something like a Spirograph or similar.
Cme by here from the wonderfull Merry Daze blog. Your uncle metaphore post on depression is excellent - almost poetic in style. I have only had situational depression linked to bereavement and the menopause when I was deficient in hormones but HRT sorts he worst of that out. I recognised that 'coming out of depression; when you look around and see your life, home and friendships need some TLC and a good brushing up again. Great blog.
THANK YOU ALL FOR THE FEEDBACK!!! I really appreciate it!
Yup, I remember spirographs!!! Great fun!
Blue, thanks for the tag! I haven't forgotten the book one, either!
I'm just really slow at getting things done lately!
MOB, I can't believe your name! LOL!!!! Thanks for the kind words.
I see or imagine nice flowers , waves ,breeze...And I have learnt a new english word !
Miss Yves
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