That cat stamp arrived!
So I've been colouring a few moggies in...
So far I have only used one, and this I have set leaning on top of an address label on a parcel to someone :)
The fancy edging is courtesy of another parcel that was waiting for me when I got home on Monday- I've at last been able to replace my broken cutter:
This Woodware one has lots of different edging blades that you can collect. You get a straight one and the wavy one in the initial pack. I've been cutting up every scrap in sight. It's so smooth and satisfying to use. I'm easily amused, aren't I?
Next, an intriguing parcel containing this wee box:
It was from Miss Peach and her lovely Mum, Karla!
Look what she sent me!-
Two multi-coloured stamp pads, a lovely Valentine ATC and some clear stamps.
Can you see what she's written? "4U because you have a..." and the stamp says LUVBUG. LOL!!!!!!
She said that when she saw it, she knew I needed it.
THANK YOU, Karla!!!!! I haven't had time to nip over to your blog yet, but I hope my card to Miss Peach gets there OK. It's quite pink and peachy so she should like it :)
And then, today, what do I wake up to but this-
From Lorianna :) I love cards with birds on. I think I've said this before. Don't know why, even, but they always look classy and interesting. And the choccies survived the post! (There were three, but the third didn't survive the Luvbug.)
I am saving them for Easter. I am using the season of Lent to focus on not eating sugar or wheat. I THINK I have more energy when I don't eat these. I THINK. It's a sort of experiment, really.
Anyway there is a tag inside, tied with an organza ribbon:
The camera didn't pick up the gold, or the glitter very well but you get a wee taste of how lovely it is. What a nice surprise! It really gave me a lift. THANKS, Lorianna!
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Lorianna is going through a deep blue patch at the moment, battling depression as well as terrible pains form her arthritis. Please nip by and leave her a cyber-hug if you have a moment. Send some positive vibes her way. Just think of the nicest, biggest chocolate cake and then think of her. I think that's how it works :)