Update on Fluffy
A couple of you asked how Fluffy is getting on, since the cold she had last month. Well, the cold went. She still sneezes now and then but all seems fine on that front......
But the poor thing has had a rough time with her fur.
The vet changed her thyroid medication earlier in the summer, and I believe it was a side effect of this this-
she was pulling her fur out in huge chunks. It wasn't just 'over grooming', which some cats can do if they are stressed, it was really pulling out fur. We were finding piles of it around the house.
Also, she wasn't sleeping through the night, she was calling over and over. And she wouldn't sleep too long in one place.
Well at first I thought it must be flea allergy, so I got her anti-flea drops up to date. But no change. Then I thought of the medication- sure enough, I read the leaflet that came with it, and it said "severe puritus" in up to 10% of cats. This means really bad itching. POOR THING!!!!!
I stopped giving her the drug and she has calmed down gradually over the last few weeks. She is now sleeping through till about 6am- such a relief for all of us! And she is pulling out less fur. She has bald patches and is thin, poor thing- I feel so bad that something I was putting down her has caused this! I didn't know, of course, but I still feel awful about it! Normally I'd read the list of side effects and keep a close eye, but I monitored less closely this time cos of everything else that's been going on.
Oh well. Lesson learnt! -Always read the literature...
Here she is with two of her favourite hobbies- lying by the fire, and being fussed by her granny!
She will still need treatment for her thyroid, but it takes up to 45 days for this drug to leave her system, before she can go on another one.
She is still doing so well for a puss of 17 1/2 years.
I hope I can tempt her to eat more. She is only picking at food at the moment. I may have to boil up some coley.....

SHe is a pretty girl. I hope she stop itching and can get meds that will help her thyroid.
Reminds me so much of my Dolly I lost and I loved her so- great pics my 22 year old is hanging one....
Boil up the coley for sure. I think that wil tempt. Looks like there is a lot of love going on with granma and that helps. Hope all continues to go well.. Hugs GJ xx
I'm glad you've worked out what is wrong with Fluffy. She looks very comfortable with your Mum. xx
Glad Fluffy is slowly on the mend :)
OK she's had her coley :) and is back by the fire with a rounded belly heheheh :D
It's so handy when there's something they really like to tempt their appetites.
You're coping so well with everything, though it must be an incredible strain. Good luck with the driving lessons - I'm just too scared to try!
I think she's doing good all oweing to your family. Get healed soon.
Medicines! They can cause as much harm as the good they do! I gave my dogs the flea drops when I visited my sister and now one of them has chewed half his hair out! I don't know why but it might not have been the flea drops but the steroids he was on for a back injury. The only thing is the other two dogs are itching too; they just aren't getting rid of their hair. Aargh! I'm glad you found out what was doing it to your kitty. I hope the next medicine you try does the trick for her.
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